- Entangled History and the Environment? Socio-Environmental Transformations in the Caribbean, 1492-1800, WVT/ University of New Orleans Press: Trier/ New Orleans, 2021.
- ¿Historia entrelazada y el medio ambiente? Transformaciones socioambientales en el Caribe, 1492-1800, Kipu: Bielefeld 2020. (OPEN ACCESS)
- Changes in the Air. Hurricanes in New Orleans from 1718 to the Present, (Environmental History: International Perspectives 15), ed. by: Dolly Jorgensen, Christof Mauch, Kieko Matteson, and Helmuth Trischler, Berghahn Books: New York , Oxford 2019.
- Sharing the Risk. Fire, Climate and Disaster. Swiss Re, 1864-1906, Carnegie Publishing/Crucible Books: Lancashire 2011.
- Reviewed by David Bresch: "Geteiltes Risiko", in: Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 162. 12 (2011): 469.
Edited Volumes
- Ed. together with Angelika Epple, Antje Flüchter, and Kirsten Kramer: Contact, Conquest, and Colonization: How Practices of Comparing Shaped Empires and Colonialism Around the World (Studies in Cultural History), Routledge: New York, 2021.
- Ed. together with Stefan Peters, Olaf Kaltmeier and Hans-Jürgen Burchardt: Krisenklima: Umweltkonflikte aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive (Studien zu Lateinamerika), Nomos: Stuttgart 2021.
- Ed. together with Anne Tittor, Olaf Kaltmeier, and Daniel Hawkins: The Routledge Handbook on the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas, vol. II part II, Routledge: New York 2020.
Journal Articles
- (together with Michael Frachetti, Nicola Di Cosmo, Jan Esper, Lamya Khalidi, Clive Oppenheimer, Franz Mauelshagen and Ulf Büntgend) "The dahliagram: An interdisciplinary tool for investigation, visualization, and communication of past human-environmental interaction", in: Science Advances, vol. 9 (November 2023), 10.1126/sciadv.adj3142
- "COVID-19, Climate, and White Supremacy - Multiple Crises or One?", in: Journal for the History of Environment and Society vol. 5 (December 2020), p. 23-32. (This article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access article under a Creative Commons CC 4.0: BY-NC license.)
- (together with George Adamson and Matthew Hannaford) “Rethinking the Present: The Role of A Historical Focus in Climate Change Adaptation Research”, in: Global Environmental Change, (January 2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.12.003.
- "Adapting to Hurricanes. A Historical Perspective on New Orleans from its Foundation to Hurricane Katrina, 1718-2005", in: WIRE's Climate Change, (September 2017), DOI: 10.1002/wcc.488.
- "From Wood to Stone. The Risk Management of Swiss Re in the Sundsvall Fire 1888", in: Environment and History 17.1 (2011), p. 153-169.
- "Fire in Swiss Re’s Early History, 1864-1906: Perspectives for an Environmental Business History?", in: EABH Bulletin 1 (2010), p. 40-46.
Book Chapters
- (together with Olaf Kaltmeier) "Einleitung: Das Anthropozän aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive" in: Peters, Stefan, Rohland, Eleonora, Kaltmeier, Olaf, Burchardt, Jürgen, Schnepel, Christina (eds.): Krisenklima: Umweltkonflikte aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive, Nomos: Stuttgart 2021, p. 9-15.
- "Corona, Klima und weisse Suprematie - Multiple Krisen oder eine?" in: Keitel, Christian, Volkmer, Michael, Werner, Karin (eds.): Die Corona-Gesellschaft. Analysen zur Lage und Perspektiven für die Zukunft, Transcript: Bielefeld 2020, p. 45-53.
- (together with Kirsten Kramer) "Introduction: On 'Doing Comparison' - Practices of Comparing", in: Rohland, Eleonora, Epple, Angelika, Flüchter, Antje, Kramer, Kirsten (eds.): Contact, Conquest, and Colonization: How Practices of Comparing Shaped Empires and Colonialism Around the World (Studies in Cultural History), Routledge: New York (forthcoming in 2021).
- (together with Virginia García Acosta) „Disasters“, in: Tittor, Anne, Kaltmeier, Olaf, Leubolt, Bernhard, Hawkins, David, Rohland, Eleonora (eds.): The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas, Vol. II, Part II, New York: Routledge 2020, p. 351-59.
- (together with Olaf Kaltmeier) „Introduction: Geopolitics and Governance: Inter-American Spaces of Entanglement“, in: Tittor, Anne, Kaltmeier, Olaf, Hawkins, David, Rohland, Eleonora (eds.): The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas, Vol. II, Part II, New York: Routledge 2020, p. 249-63.
- „Beschwerde der Bürger von Louisiana gegen die amerikanische Territorialregierung (1804)“, in: Büschges, Christian und Rinke, Stefan (eds.): Das Ende des alten Kolonialsystems (Dokumente zur europäischen Expansion, Bd. 8), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2019, p. 321-28.
- “Dealing with Hurricanes and Mississippi Floods in New Orleans, 1718-1794. Environmental (non-)Knowledge in a Colonial Context”, in: Zwierlein, Cornel (ed.): The Dark Side of Knowledge. The History of Ingorance, 1400-1800 (Series Intersections), Leiden: Brill 2016, p. 314-332.
- “Hurricanes on the Gulf Coast: Environmental Knowledge and Science in Louisiana, the Caribbean, and the U.S., 1722 to 1900,” in: Rood, Daniel, Manning, Patrick (eds.): Works of Nature: Global Scientific Practice, 1750-1850, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press 2016, p. 38-53.
- “Hurricanes in New Orleans: Disaster Migration and Adaptation, 1718-1794,” in: Sommer, Bernd (ed.): Climate Change in North America (Series Climate and Culture), Leiden: Brill 2015, p. 137-158.
- “’The Storm’. Hurrikan Katrina, 29. August 2005”, in: Schenk, Gerrit, Juneja, Monica (eds.): Mensch. Natur. Katastrophe. Von Atlantis bis heute, Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner 2014, p. 215-221.
- (together with Maike Böcker, Gitte Cullmann, Ingo Haltermann und Franz Mauelshagen) "Woven Together: Attachment to Place in the Aftermath of Disaster, Perspectives from Four Continents" in: Cave, Mark, Sloan, Stephen (eds.): Listening on the Edge: Oral History in the Aftermath of Crisis, Oxford University Press: New York 2014, p. 183-206.
- “Earthquake versus Fire: The Struggle over Insurance in the Aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco Disaster”, in: Schenk, Gerrit, Janku, Andrea, Mauelshagen, Franz (eds.): Historical Disasters in Context: Science, Religion, and Politics, Routledge: London 2012, p. 174-194.
Blog Posts
- "Katastrophen und Krisen machen historisch gewachsene soziale Ungleichheit sichtbar," Uni Bielefeld Aktuell-Blog, June 2, 2020.
- "The Anthropocene, Modelling Socio-Environmental Transformations in the Americas, and a New Interdisciplinarity," Interdisciplinarity, The ZiF's Blog, March 27, 2020.
- "Arriving in the Anthropocene: 300 Years of Adaptation to Hurricanes and Mississippi Floods in New Orleans," Anthropocene Curriculum (Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) Berlin, December 06, 2019.
- "Hurricanes, Climate Change, and Adaptation: The Roles of Knowledge and Memory in Past and Present," GHI History of Knowledge Blog, November 14, 2017.